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Feng Shui Tips

What is Feng Shui?

Literally Feng Shui means wind and water. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese study of the natural environment. It can determine the most favorable location for anyone and helps that person to avoid their worst or least desirable location in any environment. This environment can be anywhere at the home, office or any place that they involved with. The determination is done based on the year the individual is born, the environment surrounding them, and through the movement of the solar system.
Feng Shui Living Room
Feng Shui Living Room

Feng Shui and Living Room

Feng shui has a significant influence on every room in a home. The living room is the place reserved for relaxation, interaction, conversation, and relationships. In Feng Shui term, it is considered to be the heart of the home. Constantly there is a flow of energy around us that further changes our environment and so influence us in either a positive or a negative way. Feng shui living room is made in such a way that more positive energy can be generated for a successful living. Any dark ares in your living room must be lighten up to attract the positive energy, chi. Chi should flow through all the areas, furniture and corners. Make the fireplace a central element of your living room instead of television or any other metal based item. Mirror is an important element of feng shui tips for living room and can be placed strategically. It widens the look of the room and can be used to reflect the door.

Feng Shui Tips for Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room Location

  • Feng shui tips for living room states that it should be in the south side of the home or should face south. West is another option but it should have a pleasant view.
  • If the view from your living room room has harsh lines as a neighboring home or a city skyline, you should try breaking the lines up with large plants.
  • Many living rooms are adjacent to kitchens or dining rooms and in these cases it is best to have a visual barrier placed between them with the help of a screen or large plants. If you have doors in between, try to keep them closed.

Feng Shui Living Room Shape

  • The shape of your living room should be square or rectangular. The furniture in the living room should be placed so as to break opposing straight lines and this will allow Chi to flow gently through the room. Alcoves and dead areas can be broken up with the placing of plants, fish tanks, or large items of furniture.
  • For promoting the flow of Chi, flat ceilings are best. If you have a sloped ceiling or exposed beams, then you should use Wind chimes or bamboo flutes as a remedy.
  • The living room should have an open and inviting feel to it.

Feng Shui Tips for Seating in Living Room

Placement of seat is very important as per feng shui tips. Ideally the seats should face the door so that while sitting on a chair you should be able to see the door without moving.
  • The seats in a living room as per the feng shui tips should never be placed with its back facing the door or window.
  • Seating in your living room should be placed in such a way that it breaks up direct pathways.
  • It is essential that there should also be an even number of seats in the room.
  • The most comfortable seat in the living room should be kept reserved for a guest and should never have its back facing a door.
Feng Shui Tips For Living Room

Feng Shui Tips For Living Room

Feng Shui Living Room Furniture

  • Do not place too much of furniture so as to make the room overcrowded. If necessary remove the least-used items in the room.
  • Clear the course of positive energy for your living room by using small sized furniture.
  • All Feng Shui furniture should have a straightforward design so that it will not interrupt the flow of good energy.
  • Furniture should not clutter your decor.
  • An area of the room which is considered to have stagnant Chi can best be remedied with an aquarium or a television. The placement of potted plants or flowers are also effective enhancers for these areas.

Feng Shui Living Room Color

Try to paint your room with colors that go best with your furniture. Do not use colors that oppose the furniture or artwork. If possible derive the colors from your artwork to help create a harmony between the two. Soft pastels are always popular and good according to the feng shui tips for living room. Before making a final choice on colour, get to know the symbolic definition for them. For example:
  • Yellow = authority
  • White = purity
  • Green = longevity
  • Blue = heavenly blessings
  • Red = happiness